In compliance with the provisions of Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter, LSSI-CE), expressly, precisely and unequivocally informs both users, recipients of the service, and the competent bodies, of the following aspects relating to the provider of services of the information society:
WEB SITE | Home |
Access to our Web Page / Blog (hereinafter Website) is free and free of charge for all persons, without any prior subscription or contracting of any service provided by our entity.
The user who uses or browses our website implicitly accepts the conditions of use and other specifications of this Legal Notice.
We alert users that our entity reserves the right to modify our Legal Notice without prior notice. That is why we recommend that you consult this text each time you visit our website.
All those who access our website are obliged to make a use based on good faith, respect for the law and the obligations contained in this Legal Notice. Likewise, the user undertakes to make good use of their access codes, as well as not to enter libelous or slanderous content on our website. Nor block or damage temporarily or permanently the functionality, content or infrastructure of the website that impair its use.
In case of total and/or partial breach by the user of the conditions of use or any other specification of this Legal Notice, our company reserves the right to deny access to our website, without prior notice to the offending user, as well as taking legal action in defense of our interests.
The source code, graphic designs, images, photographs, sounds, animations, software, texts, as well as the information and contents contained in this website are protected by Spanish legislation on intellectual and industrial property rights in favor of our entity.
The reproduction and/or publication, in whole or in part, of our entity’s website, nor its computer processing, distribution, dissemination, modification, transformation or decompilation, nor other rights legally recognized to its owner, are not permitted, without the prior written permission of our entity.
The reproduction and/or publication, in whole or in part, of the logo of our company is not allowed, nor its computer processing, distribution, dissemination, modification, transformation or decompilation, or other rights legally recognized to its owner, without the prior written permission of our company.
The user, solely and exclusively, may use the material that appears on this website for personal and private use, being prohibited its use for professional or commercial purposes or to engage in illegal activities. All rights derived from intellectual property are expressly reserved by our entity.
Our entity will ensure compliance with the above conditions, as well as the proper use of the contents presented on its website and logo, respectively, exercising all civil and criminal actions that correspond in the case of infringement or violation of these rights by the user.
Our website uses cookies and/or similar technologies that store and retrieve information when you browse. In general, these technologies can be used for a variety of purposes, such as, for example, to recognize you as a user, obtain information about your browsing habits, send you advertising or customize the way content is displayed.
To learn about the types of cookies used by our website, we invite you to consult our Cookies Policy.
Our entity may modify, without prior notice, the information contained in its website, as well as its configuration and presentation.
Our entity undertakes through this medium not to make misleading advertising. For this purpose, therefore, shall not be considered as misleading advertising formal or numerical errors that may be found throughout the content of the various sections of this website, produced as a result of maintenance and / or incomplete or faulty updating of the information contained in these sections. Our company, as a result of the provisions of this paragraph, undertakes to correct it as soon as it becomes aware of such errors.
Our company undertakes not to send commercial communications without identifying them as such and without your prior consent, in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of Services of the Information Society and electronic commerce. For these purposes, will not be considered as commercial communication all information sent to our customers, provided that its purpose is to maintain the existing contractual relationship between client and our company, as well as the performance of the tasks of information and other activities of the service that the customer has contracted with the company.
Our entity undertakes to carry out the processing of any personal data under strict compliance with the provisions of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (RGPD 2016/679) and the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the protection of personal data and guarantees of digital rights (LOPDPGDD). For more information, we invite all users to consult our Privacy Policy.
Our company is not responsible for the non-compliance of any applicable rule in which the user may incur in their access to this website and/or in the use of the information contained in it.
Our entity shall not be liable for any damages caused or likely to occur, whatever their nature, arising from the use of the information, the materials contained in this website and the programs it incorporates. The links and hypertext that make it possible, through the website, to access the user to benefits and services offered by third parties, do not belong to and are not under the control of our company, so we are not responsible for the information contained therein or any effects that may result from such information.
Our company is not responsible for the illegitimate use that third parties may make of the brand names, product names, trademarks, not owned by our company, appearing on this website. Nor is it responsible for the integrity, veracity and legality of the content of the links to the websites that can be accessed from this website. In short, the User is solely responsible for the use made of the services, contents, links and hypertext included in this website.
For any legal matter or that incumbent to the Web sites that depend on our entity, the Spanish legislation will be of application, being competent for the resolution of all the conflicts derived or related to the use of the present Web site, the Courts and Courts, on the basis of the territorial competition that corresponds to the lender of services of the society of the information.